About us

Here you can learn more about your business development opportunities in Bavaria and the United Arab Emirates. Together with the German-Emirati Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK), Invest in Bavaria and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, our team offers Emirati companies extensive support in their choice of location and business expansion in Bavaria. At the same time, we support Bavarian companies and organizations, especially in economic exchange and networking with local business partners in the UAE, as well as in the markets of Oman, Qatar and Kuwait. The Bavarian Representative Office in the UAE supports you in a sustainable market entry and gives you access to a large and regionally established network.
Ms. Karin Zangerl
Bavarian Representative to the UAE, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait
Our team works closely with Invest in Bavaria and the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs. Here you learn more about these and other important partners.