
Invitation OktoberINVESTfest LATAM 2023

It is an honor to invite you to participate online at the first Latin American version of the OktoberINVESTfest 2023 on October 18, 2023, in Santiago de Chile.
During the OktoberINVESTfest, that we are organizing together with the Science Program 2030 of University of Concepción, University of Chile and ChileGlobal Ventures, you can build and promote your innovation and startup networks with Latin America and Germany.
Connect with investors, partners, industry thought-leaders, and top- level corporate management, gain valuable insights into accessing the green and digital market in Germany and Latin America, learn how to thrive internationally from successful Latin American & German High-Tech-Startups.
You can register here

At the State of Bavaria Office for South America, we seek to strengthen ties and build new bridges between Latam and Germany in the field of technology and innovation for a sustainable development.